



The discussion topics are listed in the bottom of each module page.

30 pts (3 pts each)
Learning Logs

The learning log topics are listed in the bottom of each module page. Your logs should be posted onto your Weebly site. If you are not familiar with Weebly, please view the tutorial listed in the following page:
Building class website with Weebly


  1. All learning logs should be posted on the same Weebly site.
  2. Create a new page for each of your log on your Weebly site and label it appropriately.
  3. To submit your work, post URL of your Weebly page to the corresponding link under Submissions inside Moodle before deadline.
20 pts (2 pts each)
Game  Evaluations 20 pts (10 pts each)
Project: Educational Game in the Classroom (ASSURE Model) 30 pts

Part 1: 5 pts
Part 2: 5 pts
Part 3: 5 pts
Part 4: 5 pts
Part 5: 5 pts
Part 6: 5 pts

Total 100 pts