Principles of Instructional Design
Welcome to EDIT 700
This is a 15-week, fully online course (15 modules). This course is about gaining an in-depth understanding of instructional design and how the instructional design process affects teaching and learning.
To facilitate the communication outside of the class, Moodle is used for homework submission, quizzes, and online communication. Also, your Coastal E-mail will be used for any other correspondence outside Moodle. It is your responsibility to check your account frequently for course announcements. Besides, do not send the instructor E-mail questions unless they are personal or confidential in nature; instead, please post your questions to the General Discussion forum on Moodle so the entire class can benefit from the answers. This is especially helpful for technical troubleshooting.
- Read assigned textbook chapters and online articles
- Engage in positive and meaningful dialog with classmates concerning the course subject matter
- Complete assignments/assessments prior to deadline
This course has a modular structure. Each module is individually assessed, but successive modules build on previous information. The course pedagogy is based on collaborative learning and group participation. Discussion questions will form a basis for discussion. To facilitate the communication, Moodle is used for homework submission and online communication. Please be advised that it is your responsibility to login to your online course frequently for course announcements.
This is an intensive course requiring approximately 5 – 6 hours for each module. The time commitment will vary depending on the individual’s technical skills, needs, and personal study habits. Participants are required to log onto the course a minimum of three times a week.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Identifying Instructional Goals
- Conducting Goal Analysis
- Identifying Subordinate and Entry Skills
- Analyzing Learners and Contexts
- Writing Performance Objectives
- Developing Assessment Items
- Instructional Strategies
- Planning Logistics and Management of the Instructional Strategy
- Developing Instructional Materials
- Formative Evaluations
- Revising Instructional Materials
- Summative Evaluations
- Assignments Week
Thanksgiving Break (11/23-11/29) - Wrap-Up and Conclusion
Again, welcome to EDIT 700. Happy surfing and learning!
Lead Instructor
Cheng-Yuan (Corey) Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Instructional Technology
Spadoni College of Education
Prince Building 205A
Coastal Carolina University
P.O. Box 261954
Conway, SC 29528-6054