11/09 – 11/15 : Module 13

Summative Evaluations

Goals and Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  •  Describe the purpose of summative evaluation
  • Describe the two phases of summative evaluation and the decisions resulting from each phase
  • Design an expert judgment phase of summative evaluation
  • Design an impact phase of summative evaluation
  • Contrast formative and summative evaluation by purpose and design

Selected Readings

Chapter 13 from Dick, W., Carey, L. & Carey, J.O. (2015). The systematic design of instruction. (8th ed.). New York: Pearson.

Lecture Outlines

EDIT 700 Chapter 13

“To Do” List

Discussions Forum 13: Summative Evaluation

Chapter 13 is about summative evaluation.

“Way back when I was a kid” (makes me feel old…) – The only summative evaluation was the last test my teachers gave me. Times have changed, and standardized tests are a common part of nearly all educational systems in K-12 schools.

The main purpose in summative evaluation is to determine whether given instruction meets expectations.  Do you think the end-of-grade/course system in schools today do a good job of providing a summative evaluation of what is taught and what is important?

For all discussions, full credit is awarded for providing a meaningful and well-written original thread and responses to two classmates. Discussion postings should always be thoughtful, courteous and on topic. In order to ensure that postings are appropriate in length and substance, please limit your initial postings to @100 words and each of your responses to @50 words.

Make your initial posts before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on Day 5 of this module. Complete your replies before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the next Monday.

Discussion postings should always be thoughtful and courteous and include some references or direct evidence from the module’s content, readings, or assignments to support your statements. 

Instructional Design Project REPORT 2 – Instructional Components

The Instructional Design Project will deal with an instructional opportunity or problem that is authentic and REAL.  This will consist of three major separate reports throughout the semester (Reports 1, 2 and 3). For each part, you will prepare a report which addresses components which are directly connected to the information described in your text and in our presentations. At the end of the Instructional Design Project, you will have done three reports which will collectively provide all of the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation for a given block of instruction.

You will need to thoroughly gain insight into the components of each report. You will need to immerse yourself into the CONTEXT of the instructional scenario and APPLY the CONTENT of the text in order to write your report.

The details of these Reports are briefly listed below – for further explanation of each component, please see the text.

Report 2 – Instructional Components: 50 Points

  • Performance objectives
  • Sample assessments for each objective
  • Instructional sequence
  • Pre-instructional activities
  • Information and example for each objective
  • Practice and feedback for each objective
  • Strategies for teaching each objective
  • Media selections and rationales for delivery of instruction
  • Pre-and posttests that will be used during the instruction to provide formative data

Due on the first day of Module 13. Submit it in Moodle. APA format. Length will vary among students and topics