Reflective Learning Blog

1) INITIAL Link to Reflective Learning Blog

Post a link to your developing blog page in the Moodle course. It does not have to be completed at this point. You will post a link to your completed blog at the end of the semester.

Throughout the semester, you will be expected to create and maintain your own blog as a part of this course.  The idea is to create a blog that will extend beyond the end of this class and will extend to the end of your Ed.S. coursework.  Your blog should be organized by Course Titles (not numbers) and should be maintained throughout the entire time you are in the EdS program.

Blogs allow you to showcase work, reference experiences, items in class, news, provide your own commentary, and demonstrate to others what you know and are able to do.  You will be graded on your creativity, ability to inspire student learning, generate digital learning experiences and assessments as well as your modeling of digital work and citizenship will.

You can use Blogger, WordPress, Weebly, or another blogging system to create your blog.  Make as many posts as you like, but by the end of the semester, the idea is that your blog will reflect the readings and assignments of the course – with no major component of the course missing (think of this as chapter readings and assignments).

A post can consist of any reflection of the reading materials as they connect to your previous knowledge or your current position. Posts can also be something you created to inspire student learning or a digital experience or assessment you created.  You may also want to also post a link to an online resource along with a quick summary of the important points of this resource. When you have completed your classes, you are encouraged to continue with your blog and posts as long as you would like as long as you keep them updated and relevant to current conversations. This will help demonstrate learning, show growth and express your knowledge and skills to friends, co-workers, family, employers and future employers.

Grade: 5 points (this is also a course requirement and a program requirement)

Due time: the initial link is due on the first day of Module 7

2) FINAL Link to Reflective Learning Blog

Post a link to your developing blog page in the Moodle course. It should be complete at this point, with content from all of your work this semester.

Throughout the semester, you will be expected to create and maintain your own blog as a part of this course.  The idea is to create a blog that will extend beyond the end of this class and will extend to the end of your Ed.S. coursework.  Your blog should be organized by Course Titles (not numbers) and should be maintained throughout the entire time you are in the EdS program.

Blogs allow you to showcase work, reference experiences, items in class, news, provide your own commentary, and demonstrate to others what you know and are able to do.  You will be graded on your creativity, ability to inspire student learning, generate digital learning experiences and assessments as well as your modeling of digital work and citizenship will.

You can use Blogger, WordPress, Weebly, or another blogging system to create your blog.  Make as many posts as you like, but by the end of the semester, the idea is that your blog will reflect the readings and assignments of the course – with no major component of the course missing (think of this as chapter readings and assignments).

A post can consist of any reflection of the reading materials as they connect to your previous knowledge or your current position. Posts can also be something you created to inspire student learning or a digital experience or assessment you created.  You may also want to also post a link to an online resource along with a quick summary of the important points of this resource. When you have completed your classes, you are encouraged to continue with your blog and posts as long as you would like as long as you keep them updated and relevant to current conversations. This will help demonstrate learning, show growth and express your knowledge and skills to friends, co-workers, family, employers and future employers.

Grade: 15 points

Due time: the final link is due on the last day of module 15