
EDIT700 Syllabus (PDF, 275 KB)


Course number and title EDIT 700: Principles of Instructional Design
Pre-requisites/co-requisites There are neither pre-requisites nor co-requisites. However, students should possess basic computer skills (e.g., MS Office, Internet search skills), along with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is downloadable free of charge at Experience in teaching, training, technical development, or equivalent is a plus.
Description This course focuses on developing mastery of the instructional design process, understand role of the systematic design of instruction within the context of the educational process, and relate this knowledge to his or her educational profession or contextualized setting.
Intended Audience Candidates admitted to the Educational Specialist in Instructional Technology — or — teachers/trainers interested in Instructional Technology for professional development.
Program Ed.S. in Instructional Technology
College Spadoni College of Education


Professor / Instructor Contact Information

Full name & title: Dr. Cheng-Yuan (Corey) Lee, Associate Professor
Office location & building: Prince 205A
Office phone: 843-349-2780
Office hours: 10:00 — 1:00 (Mondays and Tuesdays) or by appointments
Email address:

About the Professors

Dr. Corey Lee (D1 and D2)
Dr. Lee earned an M.S. degree in Instructional Technology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1999, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Instructional System Design from the University of Central Florida. Since 2010, Dr. Lee teaches at Coastal Carolina University. Throughout his career of teaching, he developed strong interests in the areas of distance education, mobile learning, interactive multimedia, and graphic/website design. In his classes, he introduces a wide range of software applications and open-source packages to students, allowing them to master computer-based tools used in the design and creation of electronic media, such as electronic images, sounds, videos, text, and motion.
Professional Website:

Professor / Instructor Contact Information

Professor: Dr. David J. Tao, Online Teaching Associate
Office phone: 407-470-9509 (urgent matters only, please text before calling)
Office hours: online by appointments
Email address:

About the Professor / Instructor

Dr. Tao earned his doctoral degree in Instructional Technology at the University of Central Florida in 2014. Currently, he works full time for a private university in Florida as the Director for Instructional Technology, responsible for training faculty to use various technologies to improve teaching and learning, as well as designing, developing, and supporting online curricula. He has been teaching online courses on different subjects in the instructional technology field since 2009. He and his wife raise three energetic boys, ages 9, 15 and 16, and live in the Central Florida area (45 minutes’ drive from the Walt Disney World, although we can’t afford to go there!). In his spare time, he enjoys gardening (can’t afford Disney), puttering around the house (can’t afford Disney), road-trips (can’t afford Disney), jogging (can’t afford Disney), and hanging out with his family (prefer hanging out in Disney though ^_^).

If you have any questions during the course, please feel free to email me:

Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions

There are neither pre-requisites nor co-requisites. However, students should possess basic computer skills (e.g., MS Office, Internet search skills), along with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is downloadable free of charge at Experience in teaching, training, technical development, or equivalent is a plus.

Materials – Text, Readings, Supplementary Readings

One textbook is required in this course. Please get a hold of it as soon as possible because it will be needed for the first week of the class. It is also available at the CCU campus bookstore (843-349-2360).

Dick, W., Carey, L. & Carey, J.O. (2015). The systematic design of instruction. (8th ed.). New York: Pearson.

Goals and Outcomes
Course Goals

The following course goals articulate the general objectives and purpose of this course. Students will:

  • Demonstrate mastery of the instructional design process, understand the role of the systematic design of instruction within the context of the educational process, and relate this knowledge to his or her educational profession or contextualized setting.
  • Communicate effectively with trainers, instructors, project managers, technologists, administrators, learners and others involved in the ID process
  • Work effectively as a member of a collaborative design team
  • Use a variety of communications formats to convey information and ideas related to instructional design
Course Outcomes

The following course outcomes indicate competencies and measurable skills that students develop as a result of completing this course. These learning outcomes are derived directly from the Coastal Carolina University Conceptual Framework (CF) Candidate Proficiencies, the National Educational Technology Standards for Educators (NETS-E) published by ISTE, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), and Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC).

Student Learning Outcomes Standards Alignment Assessment
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Explain the influence of the systems approach in instructional design CF 1.1
InTASC 4,5



Analyze instructional design in K-12, higher education and the corporate world focusing on the components of instructional design CF 1.2
InTASC 5,8



Conduct a needs assessment or gap analysis to identify instructional problems and opportunities and write appropriate instructional goals. (front-end analysis) CF 1.1, 2.1, 2.2
NETS-E 3a, 3b



Perform an instructional analysis by doing a task analysis within appropriate domains of learning CF 1.1, 2.1, 2.2
InTASC 1,5



Create concept maps, flowcharts, diagrams or conventional outlines to analyze goals and organize subject matter knowledge CF 5.2
InTASC 1,8



Conduct learner analyses to identify the characteristics of the target population and determine entry behaviors CF 1.5
NETS-E 2a, 3d, 5c



Write learner goals and instructional goals suitable for product development and operationalize instructional goals as observable and measurable performance objectives CF 1.5
NETS-E 2a, 3d, 5c
InTASC 2,3



Devise instructional strategies appropriate to the learner, performance objectives and context using learning and design theory, select the media system or learning environment that will deliver or support the product CF 1.5
NETS-E 2a, 3d, 5c



Develop or select instructional materials that reflect the instructional goal and performance objectives and conduct a formative and summative evaluation at given points within the design process to determine the effectiveness of instructional materials and the instructional system CF 1.5
NETS-E 2a, 3d, 5c
InTASC 5,7



The overarching theme of the Conceptual Framework for all educator preparation programs is The Educator as Reflective Practitioner. The initial and advanced teacher education programs and the advanced program in educational leadership focus on the development of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions to ensure that all candidates are well prepared and meet all institutional, state, and professional standards at the completion of their program. The Conceptual Framework describes the shared vision of teaching, learning, and the preparation of teachers and school leaders. It outlines our philosophy and commitment to the education profession; guides programmatic decisions; and ensures coherence among curricula, field experiences, clinical practice, and the unit’s assessment system. The Conceptual Framework reflects our commitment to integrate technology, demonstrate professional behavior and dispositions, engage in reflective practice, work with diverse populations, and apply content and pedagogical knowledge to the teaching and learning process.

Instructional Technology Program Description

The Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) in Instructional Technology is a 100% online program designed for teachers and other professionals who have already earned a master’s degree and are interested in extending their abilities to design, develop, implement, evaluate and manage technology to improve teaching and learning. Candidates who complete this curriculum will have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach and lead as instructional technologists employed in schools and other settings, and will be well prepared for future graduate study at the doctoral level.

Candidates who complete this program track will be able to do the following:

1) Demonstrate understanding of instructional technology tools, systems, and operations

2) Plan and manage instructional technology innovations and environments

3) Design and develop creative learning experiences and materials supported by technology

4) Implement technology-integrated curriculum plans to improve student performance

5) Leverage technology to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation strategies

6) Understand social, ethical, and legal issues relevant to the use of instructional technology

7) Demonstrate commitment to improving professional practice and productivity

8) Exhibit leadership and collaboration in instructional technology initiatives


The following information has been provided to assist you in preparation for the technological aspect of the course.

Minimum Technical Skills Needed:
  • Using the learning management system (Moodle)
  • Using E-mail with attachments
  • Creating and submitting files in commonly used word processing program formats
  • Using CCU Library database functionalities


Access and Log in Information

This course was developed and will be facilitated utilizing the Coastal Carolina University’s Learning Management System, Moodle. To get started with the course, please go to

You will need your CCU ID and password to log in to the course. If you do not know your CCU ID or have forgotten your password, please go to

Student Resources

As a student, you will have access to:

  • Moodle Access Information. It is recommended that you become familiar with the tools and tutorials provided in Moodle to better equip you to navigate the course. Make sure to view all PDF files listed at
  • After logging in to Moodle, you will have access to the “Student Resources” and “Student Help Request” link on top of the page, which provides student resources and Help Desk Information.
How the Course is Organized

This course is organized in the weekly/modular format. Each week, new topics will be introduced along with required readings and assignments.

What Should Students Do First?

Once you have accessed the course and the syllabus, you should read through the syllabus carefully, understanding the requirements of the course and the assessment items. Also, please participate in the first discussion forum—Self-Introduction ASAP. Your weekly participation in this forum indicates your attendance in this course. If you do not complete this forum within 7 days after the class begins, you will be reported an absence and automatically dropped from this course. Make sure you complete this task as early as possible.

How Students Should Proceed Each Week for Class Activities

As stated above, this course is organized in the weekly format. On the first day of the week, and E-mail announcement will be posted on Moodle and sent to your E-mail account, addressing the topics of the week and the required tasks and their due dates. These announcements are to get you ready to tackle class activities each week.

Student Support

Coastal Carolina University provides student technical support in the use of Moodle and support resources. The student help desk may be reached at:
Phone: 843-349-2908
In-Person: Kearns Hall, Room 113

Regular hours are maintained to provide support to students. Please refer to the website ( for updated hours.


  1. The student will access and follow all course instructions found in the weekly/unit content area of the Moodle and WordPress course site
  2. The student will review weekly topics and complete the reading assignments under each corresponding weekly/modular section.
  3. The student will complete the assigned learning forum/assignment/project by the deadlines.
  4. The student will complete and submit assignments electronically inside Moodle only.
  5. The student will complete an on-going semester project in accordance with the instructions given in this syllabus and the online course.


The main channels for course communication are through Moodle and E-mail. I will use the Announcement function in Moodle to distribute any course news. Please check Moodle frequently (3 or 4 times a week). The gradebook tab of Moodle is another channel for me to provide feedback regarding your submissions. Finally, E-mail an efficient way to reach me. I am in my E-mail all the time.

Interaction with Instructor: The primary tool to reach me is through E-mail. Please send your personal concerns or questions to Emails will be answered within 24 hours and if you do not receive a response within this time frame please resend your message. I will notify you if response times need to be changed or adjusted.

Submission turns around time frame: Typically, all submissions will be graded within 7 days of the due date and returned in Moodle. In rare cases, your submissions will be graded after that. If it ever happens, please contact me. I might have overlooked your submissions.


Discussions (30 total points – 15 discussions, 2 points each)

Module discussions are designed to engage a student’s interaction with others in the course and provide constant, helpful feedback and assistance when dealing with various issues in online teaching and learning. Discussion postings should be courteous, thoughtful, and carefully written. To facilitate the discussion and prevent procrastination, two deadlines are scheduled for each discussion. Pay attention to each date.

Reflective Learning Blog/Portfolio (15 points – course and program requirement)

(Program requirement – On-going in all EdS classes)

Throughout the semester, you will be expected to create and maintain your own blog as a part of this course.  The idea is to create a blog that will extend beyond the end of this class and will extend to the end of your Ed.S. coursework.  Your blog should be organized by Course Titles (not numbers) and should be maintained throughout the entire time you are in the EdS program. Blogs allow you to showcase work, reference experiences, course assignments, items from class, news, provide your own commentary, and demonstrate to others what you know and are able to do.  You will be graded on your creativity, ability to inspire student learning, generate digital learning experiences and assessments as well as your modeling of digital work and citizenship.  You can use Blogger, WordPress, Weebly, or another blogging system to create your blog.  Make as many posts as you like, but by the end of the semester, the idea is that your blog will reflect the readings and assignments of the course – with no major component of the course missing (think of this as chapter readings and assignments).  A post can consist of any reflection of the reading materials as they connect to your previous knowledge or your current position. Posts can also be something you created to inspire student learning or a digital experience or assessment you created.  You may also want to also post a link to an online resource along with a quick summary of the important points of this resource. When you have completed your classes, you are encouraged to continue with your blog and posts as long as you would like as long as you keep them updated and relevant to current conversations. This will help demonstrate learning, show growth, and express your knowledge and skills to friends, co-workers, family, employers and future employers.

*For formal record-keeping, you must post a link to your blog in Moodle as an assignment

Instructional Design Project (either solo or in a pair of two) = 100 points

The project will deal with an instructional opportunity or problem that is authentic.  This will consist of three major separate reports throughout the semester (Reports 1, 2, and 3).

The details of these Reports are briefly listed below:

Report 1 – Pre-instructional Components: 25 Points

  • The rationale for the selection of context
  • Description of context
  • Description of learners (demographics, details, etc.)
  • Performance context of learners and implications for instruction
  • Goal statement
  • Goal analysis
  • Sub-skills analysis
  • Entry behaviors analysis

Report 2 – Instructional Components: 50 Points

  • Performance objectives
  • Sample assessments for each objective
  • Instructional sequence
  • Pre-instructional activities
  • Information and example for each objective
  • Practice and feedback for each objective
  • Strategies for teaching each objective
  • Media selections and rationales for delivery of instruction
  • Pre-and posttests that will be used during the instruction to provide formative data

Report 3 – Post-instructional Components: 25 Points:

  • Characteristics of learners which influence summative assessment and evaluation
  • All summative assessments/evaluations used to measure learning

List of evaluation materials (media, manipulatives, software, tools, etc)

Procedures used in the evaluation process (time, place, procedures, concerns, etc.)

Chapter Quizzes, 5 points for each chapter quiz, total: 65 points
Final Comprehensive Test = 50 points

There will be a 50 question, multiple-choice test at the end of the semester. The details of this test will be presented in class.

Assessment Weight
Discussions 30 points
Reports 100 points
Test (quizzes plus final) 115 points
(Course and program requirement)
15 points
TOTAL: 260 points


Grading will consist of assessment opportunities that will occur each week to determine student progress toward meeting the learning outcomes. Grades will be calculated by converting point accumulations for each assessment using the tables below. Candidates in the Ed.S. in Instructional Technology program must earn a grade of C or higher in order to apply the credit hours.

Score Grade
234-260 A
221-233 B+
208-220 B
195-207 C+
182-194 C
169-181 D+
156-168 D


A grade of incomplete may be granted to students who have suffered serious personal illness or critical emergency circumstances during the academic term, resulting in failure to complete all assignments by the end of the quarter. Documentation from a physician is required and must be attached to the petition for a temporary grade of incomplete. Please see the college catalog for additional information. 


The following course outline is tentative and subject to change.

Module Assessments
1. Introduction Discussion 1, module 2 Quiz
2. Identifying Instructional Goals Discussion 2, module 2 Quiz
3. Conducting Goal Analysis Discussion 3, module 3 Quiz
4. Identifying Subordinate and Entry Skills Discussion 4, module 4 Quiz
5. Analyzing Learners and Contexts Discussion 5, module 5 Quiz
6. Writing Performance Objectives Discussion 6, module 6 Quiz
7. Developing Assessment Items Discussion 7
module 7 Quiz
Initial Link to Reflective Learning Blog
Instructional Design Project, Report 1
8. Instructional Strategies Discussion 8, module 8 Quiz
9. Planning Logistics and Management of Instructional Strategy Discussion 9, module 9 Quiz
10. Developing Instructional Materials Discussion 10, module 10 Quiz
11. Formative Evaluations Discussion 11, module 11 Quiz
12. Revising Instructional Materials Discussion 12, module 12 Quiz
13. Summative Evaluation Discussion 13
module 13 Quiz
Instructional Design Project, Report 2
14. Assignment Week Discussion 14
15. Wrap-up and Conclusion Discussion 15
Final Link to Reflective Learning Blog
Instructional Design Project, Report 3
Final Comprehensive Exam


For each course evaluation they complete, students will receive a confirmation email stating the course, instructor, date completed, and time completed.


All works submitted for credit must be original works created by the scholar uniquely for the class. It is considered inappropriate and unethical, particularly at the graduate level, to make duplicate submissions of a single work for credit in multiple classes, unless specifically requested by the instructor. Work submitted at the graduate level is expected to demonstrate higher-order thinking skills and be of significantly higher quality than work produced at the undergraduate level.



Deadlines and Late Work
  • You will always be given explicit instructions on where to send your assignments. Assignments are usually due on a weekly basis—the exact dates will always be found in the activities. If you wish to complete an assignment prior to the due date, you may (however, a group assignment must be completed during the week assigned OR upon approval of every member of the group). NO LATE SUBMISSION WILL BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THIS POLICY AND SUBMIT YOUR WORK ON TIME. This policy will be strictly enforced.
  • All due dates are posted and late assignments, quizzes and discussions are counted as zero.
  • In the event of an emergency or absence, you will need to notify by email before the due date and provide documentation when submitting the late assignment”
Class Participation

Students are required to log in on to the online course a minimum of three ties a week. The instructor will use the tracking feature in Moodle to monitor student activity. Students are also required to participate in all class activities such as discussion board, chat or conference sessions, and group projects (if any).

Virtual Classroom Citizenship

The same guidelines that apply to traditional classes should be observed in the online learning environment. Please use proper netiquette when interacting with class members and the professor.

Policy on Server Unavailability or Other Technical Difficulties

Whenever you experience any difficulty with the Moodle system, please wait for 10 – 15 minutes and try again. If the problem remains, please report it to Moodle administrator at (843-349-2263) and notify the instructor of this. If students ever experience with hard disk failure or virus attack, please contact ITS – Student Computing Services and notify the instructor of this difficulty. The instructor and ITS – Student Computing Services will work with the student to resolve any issues at the earliest possible time.

Copyright Notice

Some or all of the materials on this course Web site may be protected by copyright. Federal copyright law prohibits the reproduction, distribution, public performance, or public display of copyrighted materials without the express and written permission of the copyright owner unless fair use or another exemption under copyright law applies.

Administrative Withdrawal

Please be advised that if you do not complete “Self-Introduction” within 7 days after the class begins, you will be reported an absence and automatically dropped from this course. Make sure you complete this task as early as possible.

Syllabus Change Policy

The standards and requirements set forth in this syllabus may be modified at any time by the course instructor. Notice of such changes will be by course announcement via Moodle.

Academic Integrity

Under all circumstances, students are expected to be honest in their dealings with faculty, administrative staff, and fellow students. In speaking and/or correspondence with members of the college community, students must give an accurate representation of the facts at hand. Students must submit work that fairly and accurately reflects their level of accomplishment. Any work that is not a product of the student’s own effort is considered dishonest. Students may not submit the same work for more than one course. A student may be suspended or expelled for academic dishonesty. Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information regarding the policy on academic honesty.

Statement of Community Standards from the Office of Academic Integrity

Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. As members of this community, we are accountable for our actions and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

      On my honor, I pledge:

  • That I will take responsibility for my personal behavior; and
  • That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty as defined in the Code of Student Conduct.

      From this day forward, my signature on any University document, including tests, papers and other work submitted for a grade, is a confirmation of this honor pledge.

Student Code of Conduct:

As the instructor of this course, I will report all academic integrity issues through the channels provided by the University.

Accessibility and Disability Services

Coastal Carolina University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to register with the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services. This office is located in Laurel Hall and the phone number is 843-349-2341. Please make an appointment with a staff member in Accessibility and Disability Services so that such accommodations can be considered. To receive academic accommodations for this class, please obtain the proper forms and meet with me to discuss the provisions of those accommodations as soon as possible. It is recommended that this must be completed within the first two weeks of class.

Closing the University for Inclement Weather

In the event of hazardous weather, faculty, staff, and students are requested to listen to local radio and television stations or visit the Coastal Carolina University website for official University closing announcements. Announcements about hazardous weather are also posted on the University’s homepage. You can find Hazardous Weather and Emergency Conditions Leave Policy (FAST-HREO-220). Instructors may refer to the Contingency Instruction website for information about what to do if the class has been canceled.